Why do Atheists misunderstand all abstract concepts ?

They never fail at misunderstand any abstract concept.
What I want to discuss here is the concept of fine tuning. Atheists think that fine tuning Earth for human life means that humans would be babied or give everything they need without any effort. What we mean by fine tuning is that the Earth was made in a way that would allow humans through effort and trial and error to evolve and prosper. Which is evident. Atheists need to be humble and realize their understanding is very limited.


misunderstanding* given*

Bulldog redux2020-10-13T04:57:42Z

So you attempt to advance your argument by disparaging the people who disagree with you.  Certainly it's possible to disparage someone honestly, but you can hardly be described as honest.  You are a blatant liar, and at some level you know that.  I'm a Ph.D. scientist, and you say that I "never fail at misunderstand [sic] any abstract concept."  You seem pretty sure of your position for a person who can't even write a proper English sentence.

Phil M2020-10-13T03:19:55Z

We have always understood that humans had to evolve and work to survive on this planet. You must not have been listening on this point. The point you are making that we disagree with is that you say the earth was created by a supreme being just for us. We believe the earth formed randomly from matter left over from the big bang. And the earth evolved into a place that is able to support life. I think it is your understanding that is very limited.


fine tuned for humans, but 70% is uninhabitable by humans? you make me laugh with your trolling

Ernest S2020-10-12T22:08:44Z

Their being blind and in darkness doesn't bear favourably on their being able to comprehend things.

Worse, the Atheists on R & S show themselves brute beasts. Just look at their sad answers!

bonzo the tap dancing chimp2020-10-12T16:38:30Z

Most atheists have no problem at all understanding abstract concepts. Theists not only do not properly understand abstract concepts but in general are massively ignorant of science and virtually wholly devoid of rational thinking skills. In general, atheists are much more intelligent and much better educated than theists. 

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