How long does it take to build a house?


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As a building official the quickest build time I have seen was 45 days, but for the most part it takes 60-90 days for the major tract home builders.  A custom house can take 6 months or more. 


in the suburbs of a medium to  large City with plenty of experienced subs you can usually pass final inspection & close about 90 days after the builder gets all the permits & the  hole is dug.
Any medium to large home will take about the same amount of time because the subs will use bigger crews for larger homes.

I have seen one close in only 61 days but that was at the very beginning of a recession when all the subs still had full crews but weren't very busy so they came in right on schedule one right after another with no delays from being busy on another job.
During average /normal times one of the sheet rock , trim carpenters or paint crews etc  will put you off a  week or so while their tied up on another job.
Just about  all the subs over schedule to make sure all their guys have a full time job so in normal times they run a little behind & that makes the next crew hold off too so you end up with the ideal 60 day construction stretching to 90-120 days in normal/busy years.


How big, how small, what sort of house, its location, the contractors, permits, taxes,  and the season.
I'd say a good six months once its all go.
My house took two years to build, but it is exactly what we wanted,  a great solid house.


Depends on if you have the money and you have the time