What are simple ways to improve your social media coverage?


The best way to improve your social media coverage is by simply being your true authentic self. When you stay true to who you are, people will just naturally be drawn to that. 
  People in today’s society seem to focus so much on social media.. to the point they quite literally forget social media, is not real life. 
I’m sorry my answer might not be very helpful but I have a distaste for social media. In college I was so obsessed with Instagram, Pinterest and twitter and having all sorts of followers, to the point it truly robbed me of my happiness through-out my college years. Everything I did in life was “for the gram” and Instagram in the end made me nothing but truly self conscious of who I was. It made me spiral into a severe eating disorder and I just truly think that so many people see these pictures all over Instagram and Pinterest and think it is truly real life when in reality they do not see the truly dark side of it all. 
  Today I focus solemnly on living my true authentic life and actually LIVING! Going out and hiking mountains, doing yoga, camping and going to the beach. I have made sure that Instagram and Pinterest is a secondary thing for me and I post only things that I enjoy doing such as my yoga accomplishments, mountains I’ve hiked, pictures of my wedding etc. 
  It is so important to live first & instagram second. It’s easy in today’s generation to get caught up in Instagram and tiktok. 


You wear attractive dress. 
Look fresh and do not forget what you have to do.
A teacher must teach to forget.


Know your audience and what time they'd normally come online. Try to post when most of your audience has some free time. If they manly have morning shift jobs post around 5pm (or 17:00)