Do guppies make good betta tankmates?

I'm not looking for a Betta tankmate, I'm just wondering. I've heard that guppies make good tankmates for bettas but I don't know because they can also have colorful and fancy fins. 


Favorite Answer

This is the best combination you can have in your tank. While female bettas are still aggressive, they won't be as aggressive as males. And female guppies are less likely to trigger aggression in female bettas. So if you're desperate to house bettas and guppies together this is your best bet.


Guppies generally don't care what else is in the tank-Unless the female is pregnant. And Bettas can be finicky. So try it,. 


It depends on the bettas attitude. Some will attack guppies and some wont. It helps to get guppies that are not so colorful.