Should businesses that pay less than the poverty level be required to collect tips for their employees?

Instead of forcing businesses to pay a $15 minimum wage, should business that pay less than the poverty level be required to suggest a tip amount for each transaction and collect tip money for employees. 


Favorite Answer

Thats not a bad idea. If they pay less than whats required for local living requirements then they should be forced to open unending go fund me pages for each underpaid employee. And they shouldn't under any circumstance dip their greasy asş hands into those funds. It should also be non taxable by the government. But you don't always get what you deserve... CLEARLY.

Best Answer2020-11-07T02:49:07Z

A business should be required to do what is in the best interest of the employee up to including getting the employee prepared for a better job. Employers that do not have employees best interest at heart should not exist, because they are a threat to capitalism. 

Everyone should be on a lifelong path to greater success. Capitalism should be a pathway to improvement, not a means to exploit. 

STEVEN F2020-10-25T15:56:40Z

It is IMPOSSIBLE to require tips from customers. What you are suggesting is mandatory price increases which ALWAYS result in LESS customers resulting in LESS money available to pay employees.


You obviously know nothing about tips for waiters and waitresses.  They are paid well below minimum wage and their employer is required to compensate them if the wage plus tip does not meet the minimum wage requirement.  I personally favor treating wait staff the same as everyone else and eliminating tips altogether.  Restaurants will have to adjust their prices accordingly.