Will Trumpism live on for 5-10 years or will it die after January?

President Trump had a huge impact on our lives and I honestly don't think any Republican will win the presidency for a long time to come. 

on certain social issues President Trump has moved the GOP closer to the center. I think taking LGBT and abortion topics out of the critical spotlight for Republicans has been good, but on others, like immigration and government decentralization, he's gone much further to the right.


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It will meet the same fate as the "Tea Party".


re:"on certain social issues President Trump has moved the GOP closer to the center" What? I don't see that. He has attacked gay and trans rights, and the GOP has refueled their abortion division since Trvmp.


Hopefully the cult will eventually die out after their members commit suicide or are locked in padded rooms with stray jackets.


There will be other would be totalitarian dictators because there are so many potential sheep.  We can only hope the next one(s) won't be as bad...


Trump should take a long vacation and reconnect with his children.  He needs to realize that his family is the most important thing.  They may form eternal union to be in celestial heavens....hehe