Will I harm my hair by using vinegar on it too often?
I have fairly oily, and also fairly long, hair. Normally, I wash it every other day (washing the scalp area, conditioning the rest), and that seems to be about the right amount to keep the top of my hair from getting too greasy, without making the bottom too dry.
Lately, however, I've been having problems with (oily) dandruff. If I don't wash my hair basically every day, it gets itchy--by the second day, itchy enough that, if I'm not careful, I'll basically scratch my scalp raw. Even after a day, it's starting to get a little itchy.
Vinegar (usually apple cider vinegar, mostly because it smells nicer) seems to keep the itchiness under control, as long as I use it every day (it's cheaper than dandruff shampoo, and it smells nicer). I generally pour about a tablespoon on my scalp while I'm in the shower, kind of rub it in, then rinse it off after a few minutes.
I had hoped that, once I got the dandruff under control, I wouldn't have to keep using the vinegar all the time, but that proved not to be the case.
But I'm worried that the vinegar may be doing Bad Things to my hair or scalp if I *do* use it every day.
Am I worrying over nothing? If it is a problem, is there anything I can readily do to counteract the problem, and/or any other dandruff remedy I can or should alternate with it to give my hair a break? Any other info?
Linda: finances are an issue. Also, dandruff shampoo doesn't smell very good. But if I'm going to harm my scalp using vinegar on it that often, then I guess I should bite the bullet and buy some...