What is meant by toxic behaver online?

I was kicked out of a gaming community on Xbox. One of the leaders said that I was kicked out because of toxic behaver. Now when I'm online I do treat people the way I want to be treated. I do like to joke around with people.


It's good that you are trying to treat others the way you want to be treated. Honestly, try to find likeminded people who like to joke around and mostly play with them if you can! Try to be considerate of other people's life experiences, too. Just because something does not make you feel bad / would not make you feel bad doesn't mean it isn't really awful for another person to hear. As an example, joking around about someone's dog dying is funny until you run into that guy with a recently dead dog. The same goes for stuff like gender or race or sexuality. It might seem funny to call your straight friends f*g, but there are people who have been torn apart by friends and family hurling that word at them and it might remind them of something really horrible. I'm not saying to walk on glass around people but just try to recognize when someone is genuinely upset and try to apologize for it if you can so you can get back to playing the game and having a good time.  

Chuck Norris2020-11-15T18:37:19Z

What is a behaver? If you can explain to me what a behaver is, I might be able to explain why it is toxic.  Did you really mean to ask "what is a toxic behavior"? Now I am beginning to wonder. 


toxic is basically equivalent to being an asshole


Reflect your actions in the past, and see what you had done wrong. People won't just kicked you without a good reason, except they know your attitude first hand.

Joking is OK, but you need to know the right time for it, and not too overboard with it, especially against someone you don't know well.


Because you were behaving toxically, I guess

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