What would be the possible and logical reason to board up a ballot processing facility if you don't have anything to hide?

It wouldn't be voter fraud in the making; would it? LMFAO!


Sordenheimer: That's your goof ball Joe Biden answer? LMFAO!


So why would you have to board these windows up then? To keep the sun out? LMFAO!


Badge 203: But weren't these rocks thrown at the windows AFTER the vote counting stopped for no apparent reason with Trump in the lead and then when the vote counting started again Biden was magically way up over Trump? It was obvious voter fraud in the making is why these events took place and everyone knows Biden didn't have a speck of support from day one EVERYWHERE.


To keep the crowds outside from breaking the windows.


Nothing says they have to be open to the public.


there is a 1 million dollar bounty on any voter fraud  anywhere , that you can prove , by the gov of texas . looks like you just hit the lottery with this proof . 


Guess what...that is not evidence.

Have a nice night.