Do you think that president elect Biden will allow the FBI to put white supremacist on the US terrorist watch list now,?

Since they have been wanting to for years now?


With Hunter in the news recently, I think SloJoe will probably want to stay away from the FBI


Do you think white terrorist organizations should get a pass from the FBI?


There's information the democratic party just should NOT have on people....
They clearly dont know how to get their facts strait...
When they take page's out of people's book's... they tend to just leave the cover behind....
They already put what's classified as white supremists on their watchlist's...
because other white supremists told them too...

Dont even bother.... your never going to know the truth...
they wont let you hear it...
just put it to bed and let it die would you...

youve got no idea how bent the police in nz are looking for excuses... it's totally f***** up.... theyre wrecking children's live's for s*** other people do... 
cos theyre white supremists...


The FBI should be investigating the election fraud and Biden's ties to China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, and Kazakhstan. The only people who see White Supremists everywhere, are liberals--just like all you see is the color and gender of a person rather than the content of their character.


First of all you'd actually have to be terrorists