I want to gain readmission back to my initial major accept my old academic advisor keeps telling me no under a department policy.?
How could my old academic advisor not tell me how I can gain readmission back to my initial major accept tell me she's just going by department policy? I'm already trying to schedule an appointment with the department chair, college associate dean, and university provost to settle my situation. I've already had someone told me that my old advisor may not know the answers to my questions and faculty members and advisors don't have the authority to grant you readmission, and may not even be aware of the requirements for readmission. Also, for this reason, this is why I am told to see the department chair, dean, or associate dean. Because this "someone" here had told me that my old advisor in a way may not know everything, this person is also a director of advising and knows enough to know that there are tons factors that go into readmission. He or she also says that other departments use staff advisors, and they are also not given such latitude. In the end, I was told that speaking to someone higher up is to your benefit, as they are the ones who know the details and can make the decisions. Another suggestion that was made by that "someone" said that I should provide them with the necessary or requested documentation for review. What other insights can you give me?
I meant "except" not accept