I'm found out there is caffeine addicts anonymous support groups?

Most people did laugh at you and then people at my church even laughed at me said it's only coffee they don't realize how some people  Can Harley go to work and get anything done because they're so addicted spend money on expensive coffees when they're really broke


I'm not the only 1 that realizes that for some people caffeine addiction is a deadly disease  That ruined your life


The word "addiction" is used different way. Strictly speaking, an addictive substance is something like heroin, nicotine, or the sleeping pill Ambien, which you have to take more and more of to get the effect you first had. The word is also used informally for things we just like so much we have to keep using, like potato chips. You're not physically addicted to coffee but you might be drinking it so much that it's bad for your health. Also, it's a lot cheaper to buy good coffee and make it at home than to drink at Starbucks. By the way, Starbucks spikes its coffee with lots of caffeine.

You might want to cut down on your drinking or eliminate coffee altogether. That's up to you. I'll give you some advice people say helps, with impulse control - also some sites with coffee info.

A lot of us have trouble with impulses - giving in to the urge to do something we know is wrong, like slacking off when we should be working, getting stoned, or doing something crazy. 

Mood and behavior go hand in hand. When somebody gives in to an inappropriate impulse, there's a problem with the person's mood. The person needs the things that keep his moods on track, coping methods. There's a wide variety of stress reduction methods that help. Then again, some people benefit from therapy.

Healthy behaviors lead to good moods, and good moods fight bad impulses. 

This has lots of good info for stress - 


Sites with coffee info -

Health benefits of coffee - Web MD
12 health benefits and 6 disadvantages of coffee
Caffeine content of drinks - Caffeine informer