Is the coronavirus like AIDS?

Do you think the coronavirus is like the AIDS disease?


No, coronavirus is a much quicker and more painful death.  


Its similar, because its an autoimmune virus.  In fact, I've heard of a hospital that tested a combo of treatments for HIV and the Flu on patients and they got well.  

Gordon B2020-11-23T03:40:27Z

No they are completely different, the only thing they have in common is they are both viruses.

Its like saying are watermelons and apples the same as they are both fruit.


No.  There are a few BIG differences.

COVID is more like the flu - you get it - then you either get over it or you die. COVID can transfer fairly easily from person to person just through being too close and catching the virus through droplets that might be in the air when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes.  With COVID, once you are better- you can't infect other people.

AIDS is a permanent condition.  Once you have it - you ALWAYS have it.  You don't recover - you don't get over it - you ALWAYS have it.  It is only spread through transfer of bodily fluids - most commonly through sex.  You CAN NOT catch aids from casual interactions or casual contact with someone who has AIDS.  Once you have AIDS - there is ALWAYS a risk you could spread it to any of your sexual partners.  (there are new medical advances that may be helping this issue - but if a person was to stop using their medications - then they would be able to spread AIDS again.)