Religious folks... I have a song you will enjoy. "On the 1st day of Christmas... it never did exist." I thank you. What do ya think ?


That's silly.
Obviously Christmas exists.


I'm more in the mood for "Time is Tight".

John Popelish

Hunter. ✞2020-11-23T20:22:10Z

It'll win you a Dawkins Award, but that's about it.


The fact of the matter: Christmas does exist and you are living in an illusion, you're not living in reality, like most unbelievers of the world. You think that science is the truth. and God's holy word is wrong, you have it backward, God is truth and science is a theory that is it. That is why all of the prophecies of God are coming true and all will come true before that great and terrible day of the Lord comes, judgment day.


Corvus, this is a new low, even for you.

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