is this even legal?

ok a guy marries his brother's wife (who is his niece's mom), i dont think this is normal.


note: so most of you are saying that it's ok for him to **** and be with his niece's mom (her daughter is his niece) ok.... that's totally ****** up


If his brother is divorced or dead, then yes, he can marry his brother's wife. It's rare but it happens. This wouldn't be the first case.

The niece will remain as the niece unless he adopts her. Not far-fetched. It happens.

What's not legal is marrying his brother's wife if they were still married. That would be a case of bigamy against the wife.

What's worse if he marries his niece. That would be incest.


I dont feel it is right, i feel sorry for the niece and the brother who lost his wife

Ron Akia2020-11-25T18:25:01Z

Our President-elect has a son Hunter, who did the very same thing. He married his dead brother's wife. Yes, it's legal as there was no blood relationship between the two of them.


Leave aside the relationship .If she is a married woman how can you marry her too .That means the woman will be having two husbands .It is illegal unless polygamy is permitted in your country .


Yes it's legal. It's happened often where someone marries a brother or sisters widow or widower or after a divorce. They are NOT related. Totally different DNA. 

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