If a vampire bites a horse would that create a horse vampire?

So we all know that when a vampire, or a Dracula, bites a person and drains their blood they can then turn them into a vampire by feeding them some of their own vampire blood. Could this be done with a horse? Would the horse have fangs? Would the vampire horse attack other horses, or humans?


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Vampire horse? that would be kind of cool and scary to see

I mean, pale horse that has sharp fangs that a vampire lord travels on. Maybe it can grow large Bat-wings like a sort of evil Pegasus. 

In Vampire The Masquerade lore: animals cannot become vampires, however they can become ghouls for a vampire (slaves who are fed vampire blood, become dependent on their master's blood once a month, humans and animals can become ghouls.) They tend to grow larger and mutate into a terrifying parody of their former self. Many develop a thirst for it, regardless of their former diet

So yea, a vampire horse.....go for it! 


Sounds offensive to black British migrants

Obi Wan Knievel2020-11-30T13:49:58Z

No self-respecting vampire, not even one of those frosted hair wearing pansies from modern lore, would ever bite a horse.  The phrase "so hungry I could eat a horse" is just an expression.  Nobody ever ate a whole horse, especially not a vampire.

Your question is preposterous.  You might as well ask what happens when a vampire bites a Jedi, because at least Jedi (well some of them) are human.  Or what happens if a vampire bites a headless horseman, because even that would be more reasonable.


It would probably turn out like The Mares of Diomedes, which were a herd of man-eating horses in Greek mythology. They were wild and uncontrollable.


Yes, but it doesn't transform into a bat. 
It changes to a horsefly instead. 

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