Do you approve or disapprove of neo-liberalism, and why?


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It’s just a rather pointless label for a variety of capitalism, so it inevitably means poverty, inequality and war.


Why don't you define neo-liberalism for us.


No such thing as neoliberalism.  It's an invention of right wing political scientists.  It's a term used to de-legitimize the the heritage of the civil rights movement by claiming that today's liberals are somehow different.  But we're not.   We are the same liberals who fought for the right of women to vote, the same liberals who fought for the civil rights of black americans, and the same liberals who are marching with black lives matter today.    This theory that liberalism has taken a modern turn into "neo-liberalism" is Right wing garbage bunk.


NeoLiberals like Creepy Joe are the biggest barrier to the advancement of America’s society.


I am not so charitable to other Americans like they are. I am not tolerant of intolerance.

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