Would you tell your parents when you'd have used Steroids?

I told my Doctor had 2 checkups now (first one in july, last one last monday) and everything is fine, i'm just "too muscular" for my age (also my body now is made of 67% muscle, normal is 35-40% and with normal workout up to 55-60% for guys doing sports for years)

I continue working out normally without any supplements beside protein if needed.

My parents were asking questions for the past months becuase they say i look too strong but they think it's because of 'normal' working out and tried to get me to take not not that serious.

Should i tell them? (as all is fine as the doctor said)Rn just my best friend knows about it

I'm 15 Male (but i turn 16 soon)


Favorite Answer

Your upcoming hormonal changes will clue your parents in.

decreased sperm production
enlarged breasts
shrinking of the testicles
male-pattern baldness
testicular cancer