Does a business with the ability to accept payment via debit card also have the ability to make a refund to the card? ?

The merchant I'm dealing with does not deny that a refund is due. They says they don't have the ability to refund my card. My thought is: if you can charge the card you can make a refund to the card. Is this correct?


Then take the dispute to your bank.  They can refund, they just don't know how.


They ought to, yes.


They should have the ability to refund on the card, unless it was charged using that little square card accepter thing. I would tell them to give me cash, if they can't refund on the card. If refund is due it doesn't mean you don't get your refund simply because they are illiterate and don't know how to issue a refund to your card.


Usually that's correct, but things may be a bit wonky due to COVID.

If customer service reps are working from home, they may not have access to credit card processing technology that they would have if they were in the office. 

The answer you got from Success is incorrect.   There is zero legal requirement for the business to provide your refund to your debit card.  It's perfectly legal for them to send you a check.    Heck, the Costco I order business supplies from regularly issues refunds on Visa gift cards (such as if I order and pay for something that is out of stock).


Yes, but said merchant may not know how to process the refund.

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