Adapting a schedule to meet my needs?

I found this schedule online and was wondering how best I adept it to work for my lifestyle:

Daily Schedule at Mount Elgin School, 1851:
5 am Bell rings, students rise, wash, and dress
5:30 a.m. Breakfast, then prayers
6-9 a.m. Boys work on farm and girls in house
9-12 p.m. School
12-1 p.m. Lunch and recreation
1-3:30 p.m. School
3:30-6 p.m. Work on farm
6 p.m. Dinner and Prayers
Evening In winter boys in evening school, girls learn needlework
9 p.m. Bedtime

My Schedule:
5 am rise, wash and dress
5:30 am Breakfast 
6-9 am chores/workout
9-12 am Online University
12-1 pm Lunch
1-3:30 pm Online University
3:30-6 pm workout/chores/shopping
6 pm Dinner
Evenings are homework/free time
9 pm bedtime 
