why is it that when I think of all the people I've met that have identified as christian, the majority of them haven't been nice people?

Don't get me wrong, there have been a few good ones. But far more of them haven't, it's like their religion gives them permission to be sanctimonious, unfriendly, and overly concerned with social status, and people like this are drawn to the religion.

Just something I've noticed over the years, how few of them actually live by the "love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, camel through the eye of the needle" supposed christian ideals. It's like their religion is convenient club to beat others over the head with 


You have bad karma and attractive negativity.


Nothing proves that Christianity is a false religion better than the behavior of Christians.  They like to pull out their "not perfect, just forgiven" excuse whenever they're caught behaving in a decidedly un-Christlike manner, but why would anyone believe that the Christian god is real when Christians behave so badly?

The Anger of God2020-12-07T22:12:50Z

"If the Spirit of Christ doesn't dwell in them then they are none of His" (Romans 8:9)

Who overthrew tables (John 215) when people were in unrighteousness!

Therefore you can't always judge a book by it's cover!


There's nothing like religion to make good people do bad things.

Wine About It2020-12-07T21:49:07Z

That's sad.  The best people I know are Christians and would do ANYTHING for you.

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