dairy free milk and 2% chocolate powder ?

i don’t know if i am having diarrhea from the chocolate milk powder it has 2% in it but it mixed it in with my dairy free milk? 


There is no dairy free milk, milk comes from cows, so is it soya or almond, both can give loose bowels.


I would say it is both.

I will also side with the international Dairy Foundation and say there is no 'dairy free' milk.  Milk comes from lactating mammals. MAMMALS. 

You can, of course grind up a lot of nuts and mix them with emulsifiers, water various chemical binders and flavorings and get a liquid that is 'MILKY' in color and texture  but it is not dairy and crushed nuts +chemicals do not make milk.

And that chocolate powder is only 2% chocolate...not cacao...chocolate...meaning it is a derivative of cacao.

I'm going to say you have the runs because you have just ingested a LOAD of CHEMICALS and no real food....and your body know it and is trying to get it out!