When i get this new job should i give my old one two weeks notice?

i have a interview tomorrow when i get the job should i give my old job two weeks notice?


i told my old boss where i worked that i had a learning disability i think he told the manager at the pet store i worked at now thats why i did not want to tell cvs where i worked now

John Alden2020-12-17T18:49:58Z

It usually always the best approach to do so. It leads to an amicable separation, and if you should ever find yourself wanting to return you will be glad you did.


Yes, you should give two weeks notice, and only after you have an official offer of employment.  The two weeks notice is not only the polite thing to do, but also for your own reputation.  There are many managers out there that will refuse to hire someone who has previously quit a job without giving proper notice.  So not doing so could come back to haunt you in the future.