How long does hip replacement surgery take?

Also, how long do you stay out of work? Just curious to know.  My hips are getting more painful as I walk short distances. My left hip used to start hurting after walking half a mile. Now my right hip is hurting after walking a quarter of a mile. Thanks for any and all info.  I'm 51 years old. Turning 52 in a little over a month. 


Favorite Answer

Here in the UK we are walking with crutches after 2 days. Driving and back to work in 6 weeks. Surgery these days for this condition has improved enormously. My friend went on a 10 mile hike after 2 months.


It's better if you ask your doctor...

Andy C2020-12-18T04:25:40Z

Get it done BEFORE you have a malfunction.   Putting it off is only going to serve to make the recovery longer and harder. 


It takes one year to totally recuperate from any major surgery. The skin heals first but under the skin can take a long time to heal and you will need physical therapy for months after the surgery to learn to walk again. You should be able to get around after 3 months but you will still be healing. 


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