Is it weird to live at home when you’re 24?

I finished my degree and started my first adult career, and I’ve been at home in order to save money so I can cut down on my student loans and buy my own property at a younger age than if I were to go drop money every month renting. I have a fine relationship with my parents so things are ok there, but some of my friends think my living situation is childish. What do you think?

Christin K2020-12-18T18:43:45Z

I think you need new friends. Tell them to mind their own business and do whatever makes you happy. You don't have to accept any judgement about your living situation from anyone else. Period. 


If you have to ask, yes.


No, it's fairly common, and normal


It's normal for most places and times. The USA has a strong culture of independence and wasting money.

By living with parents you will lack privacy to  bring a romantic partner home, smoke weed, or other things you don't want your parents to see. That's your tradeoff for saving money, and eventually you might feel the need to get out.

As an adult, you should contribute to the household expenses such as utility bills and do your share of cooking and cleaning. If your presence is preventing your parents from moving into a cheaper home, you should pay rent.


I think you'll feel bad about your friends' shortsightedness, about thirty years from now.

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