Guys, what do you think of the trend the last few years of women leaving their hair looking like they just got out of bed?

Like Kelly Ripa, I think she’s super attractive but that hair looking like it’s never seen a brush or a comb looks like hell to me


A happy medium would be better--not too done and not too messy. However, trends generate a lot of revenue. Getting away from that probably will never happen, although I'd love to witness it.


I'm a female but I find that the messy hairstyles can look so sexy on a woman.


You have to be quite incredibly beautiful for that hairstyle to work. On ordinary, moderately attractive women it can look disastrous.


I like it on a lady it is fine

Wat Chew Talkn Bout2020-12-20T15:41:03Z

Years back I was working at an event with a lot of people walking by.. My coworker pointed out hair is really ugly.. Look at the hair on a person.. 99% of the time it looks gross.. Making it look worse is not very smart...

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