How are these names pronounce please?

1.  Ylianne (I am not sure whether it’s illy-anne or eely-anne)

2. Niamh (is it neev or nee-am?)

3. Oriana (I say or-ee-ahh-na instead of or-ee-anna)



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#1 Never heard of it , so I cannot answer. 
#2 'Niamh' is an Irish (Erse) Gaelic name, and is pronounced as 'Neve/Neev'.  The phonetics  of the Gaelic languages are completely different to English and modern European languages. Other common Erse female names are 'Siobhan(Pronounced as 'Shivorn') and 'Grainne(Pronounced as 'Granyah'). 
#3 Oriana is said as 'Or-ee-ah-na'. 

Tony VII2020-12-26T05:55:21Z

Do not pronounce BASTERd these name is for the mentally impared (below 75 iq mental retardation)


1. I'd say ee-lee-anne. 

2. It's neev, an Irish name. 

3. Or-ee-ah-na. Orianna would be or-ee-anna. I love both!


1. I pronounce it "illy-anne".

2. Neev

3. Or-ee-ahh-na