So why hasn't Dominion/Smartmatic sued ANYONE yet?
Is it because they are wayyyyyyyy in over their head? Is it because they are totally TERRIFIED of DISCOVERY? You bet it is!
Notice how this question was diverted into the Entertainment & Music section? I didn't do it. The censorship continues! LMFAO!
Sorry idiot responders, the KRAKEN is code for the 305th cyber counter intelligence division of the US Army along with the New Space Force's blockchain algorithm successfully recorded ALL voter fraud/election meddling in REAL time when it was done and who did it. This is the REAL world hence Dominion/Smartmatic NOT suing and clearly KNOW better to take on ANY DISCOVERY and obviously trying to intimidate because they are indeed wayyyyyyyy in over their head! Try to keep up!
Obi Wan Knievel: Try to keep up! You obviously can't do that listening to the bought and paid for liberal MSM which beams brightly in your "answer." LOL!