I'm a man, let the girls answer it.
Yes, I would date a guy with no friends
If I dated...
Yes. If they're not clingy to me because of the lack of socialization in their own life.
And If they're okay with me doing things with my friends that does not involve them being around. I don't believe s/os need to be a part of everything you do.
Anonymous's the thing: I did and it should have been a huge red flag, the fact that he had NO ONE close to him at all. These people saying "yes" have not been through it, and let me tell you, it's not a good thing. There is a reason, and usually it's a bad one, as to why a grown man has no friends. I'm not saying that he should have a 15+ circle or anything, even just 1 or 2 good friends and people that he's close with, YES. But none? Not good at all.
I’m not a woman but I asked my sister. She said she would, and it doesn’t really matter