Corolla help?

  I have a 2005 Toyota Corolla s with 230k miles. It drives absolute perfectly minus a small exhausts hole that needs to be patched. I have noticed is louder when accelerating (not really in bad way) and I hear a knock coming from my hood several minutes after turning the car off. I’m 99% sure it’s the Cadillac converter and was wondering what would happen if I chose not to replace it. It’s grandfathered In so I don’t have to worry about emission testing, but would it impact the longevity of the engine ? I’m only planning on keeping this car for another year or two 


The fact it's not running smoothly in the engine means undue stress on those parts.  I would not ignore this.   The knocking isn't the catalytic converter. 


If the catalytic converter is leaking, you can get carbon monoxide poisoning and die.  If it's merely not doing its job, but isn't leaking, then the car is making more air pollution than it should.

Pearl L2021-01-02T04:32:44Z

i would ask a mechanic to help you with it


Toyotas do not have Cadillac parts.


move to maintenance & repairs. Its catalytic and it should not hurt your engine.  I once had an old car with a stopped up converter. Was too expensive to replace. Its illegal to run a straight pipe but nobody was taking pictures when my mechanic did that. A little louder than most and worse on pollution but in a state with no inspections that was a good decision for a cheap old car.