If mask are supposed to work then why are cases higher than they were before the mask mandate?


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Cases aren’t being accurately counted. The PCR test is as much as 90% inaccurate.


The comparison you need to make is between the number of cases there is, even with some people flouting the rules, and the number of cases there would be if the virus had been given free rein.

The primary purpose of the masks worn by ordinary citizens is to limit the volume and range of virus-laden droplets expelled by an infected person which, together with social distancing, helps to control the spread of COVID. But that is being undermined by ignorant selfish fückwits who think it is clever to flout the rules.


oh goodness, the paperbag wins again.


Because a lot of people were still grouping together in crowds and not wearing them.  And the cold weather increases the spread


people went to superspreader events over the holidays

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