Biggest pet peeve?

Definitely people who eat with their mouth open


Bikini tops on the beach. In Europe women wear them because they want to, not because they have to. In a recent poll something like 40% of the women who took the survey said they would go topless on beach.

Mr. Brooks2021-01-03T22:11:33Z

People who refuse to wear face masks in shops. 


People that are perpetual victims and take no accountability for themselves.

Emily Rose2021-01-03T19:54:53Z

The first one would be the same as you, second i can't stand people who complain and never change their ways to fix the problem, i hate when people make things harder than they should be, i dont like when people smack their lips loudly when they eat it makes it look like they have no manners, people who body shame there's no excuse for that ever, people who look good naturally but let themselves go is always annoying to see because there's just something so annoying about someone who doesn't take care of themselves no one wants to smell their B.O., people who expect more out of others but nothing from themselves always suck they're the worst people because they're users.


People judging on things they have no idea about. It can really affect overly sensitive people 

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