What was the biggest age difference between you and your partner and how did that work out?


As a 21 year old adult, I will date nobody under 21, not even a day less.
I avoid legal trouble that way. I don't want to be charged with giving a minor alcohol, and I don't want to be a pedo. 
I dated a girl when she was 17 and 18 when I was a little older than her but still a minor, and she found somebody else and currently I'm in a relationship with a 26 year old woman. I enjoy it more.  


I dated a guy 10 years older than me. It was fun for a while then I got bored with him and dumped him.

Grumpy Old Man2021-01-05T06:26:40Z

14 years and it failed after 22 years

Andrew Smith2021-01-05T06:11:55Z

The age difference hasn't altered much.  It was 9 months difference when I met her and now, fifty years later, it is still nine months difference.  Amazing.  I will let you know how well it works out after another fifty years together but so far so good.


I dated two partners older than me. One was one year older than me so I would say not much difference their. When I was 31 I dated a woman 3.5 years older than me. She was a bit bossy but nothing out of the ordinary. I guess the one noticeable thing was she thought the music I listened to was way too loud so in that aspect I'd say she had the whole older than me trait. 

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