Christians, is God against planning and productivity?


Favorite Answer

Of course not! Setting goals is serious business. If God's hand is upon us, we will never be embarrassed, rather blessed than doing things ourselves and obtain adverse results. 

We ought not to be so anxious about life that we make rigid plans which are beyond our capacity to keep, nor should we be so lazy as to make no plans at all. Rather, with all humility, let us submit our plans to the Lord, and work for His glory.

Tomorrow is not in our hands. No one knows what tomorrow brings. The only thing we know about “tomorrow” is that it’s uncertain at best. We can trust God with more than tomorrow---we can trust God with our eternity.[Psalms 37:5] “Commit thy way unto the Lord."   Not that God is ignorant of the ways of men, and of their affairs, but it is their duty to ask, and it is His delight to hear and be part of it. 


Ecc12 ;12-14 Shows He is not against planning and productivity if the plans and production is in harmony with His will


Why do you only ask Christians? The answer is no. In fact, the bible says that those who don't plan won't eat. Happy is the man that carries his sheaves and is happy with his lot! 

Adullah M2021-01-05T08:04:08Z

GOD give us intellect and freewill by giving us HIS only religion  or the way of lives for all mankind to become successful  ,both in this world and the hereafter world. Then use it for your own benefit  to achieve that end.