Why are we not going to Mars moons phobos 1st. instead directly to Mars.?


because your gay


That is not as stupid as it sounds, in the event that you are in a rush to investigate Mars on a careful spending plan, and you're not an extremely rich person making flying grain storehouses in Texas. A trustworthy sounding arrangement was distributed by the Planetary Society in 2015 recommending only that. However, NASA has their own thing proceeding to will utilize the Moon as training for arrivals and distant stations, so on the off chance that they can nail that, why not really land?


That's not as dumb as it sounds, if you are in a hurry to explore Mars on a budget, and you aren't a billionaire making flying grain silos in Texas. A credible-sounding plan was published by the Planetary Society in 2015 suggesting just that. But NASA's got their own thing going and will be using the Moon as practice for landings and remote outposts, so if they can nail that, why not actually land?


Because going to Phobos would be more like docking with a spaceship than landing on something.


Basically there is nothing special on Phobos apart from its natural Crater Stepney
 it would be handier to land  retrorockets on it to slow down its orbital speed
As it is, it is slowly spiralling in towards Mars
 Collision is inevitable, if it was sped up it would add much needed mass to the planet
To make its Gravity higher and maybe begin to make Mars more Habitable

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