In today's society, should every one of us have higher ideals and goals? What's wrong with wanting a simple life?

I am a college graduate, studied literature. I want to be a simple and humble artisan, like a carpenter or something. But everybody around me keeps saying "oh, you're more than that!" I don't want to be a white collar office person, or an academic, that would make me sad. Should everybody with higher educations be CEOs eventually?


Favorite Answer

It is a challenge to sort out priorities, juggle responsibilities, and devote time and energy to the important aspects of life in a reasonable way.

But, it’s also a challenge to avoid extremes and maintain mental and emotional stability.

This calls for balance. There is nothing wrong with living a simple life. Living a simple life means involving yourself with only the things needed to maintain a reasonable livelihood. Accumulating  a lot of things can complicate life regardless of whether you are wealthy or poor, well educated or not.

How you choose to live your life is your decision and yours alone.