If Lacey Evans Wins The 2021 Women's Royal Rumble, Il'll Be Furious Would You?

i  got a gut feeling that Lacey Evans might win the women's rumble and make WWE a bad name main eventing Wrestlemania 37 to face Asuka with Ric Flair she might have Ric interfere in her matches to retain the raw women's title in the future 


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If they go with this, it basically means they think it's a mid-card match at best. This will be the Toilet break match (there's one at every Mania) and while I'm not keen on it, I can understand it. The addition of Flair gives that nostalgic value and helps build to a bigger feud with Charlotte further down the line. No issues with it especially with Becky still being out, providing the Smackdown belt is actually taken seriously