What is the difference between AC condenser and evaporator coils?

The difference between A/C evaporator and condenser coils goes beyond simply their locations in the system. When an air conditioner fails to deliver the expected comfort level, many homeowners assume the internal coolness generator must have malfunctioned and immediately think they need an air conditioner repair.


they are designed for different air flow patterns ... but the coils are far from the only possible cause for poor cooling


" internal coolness generator" Never heard of that.
Coils are coils, all pretty much designed for the same thing. Whether that is baseboard heat, a radiator in a car, an evap coil or a condenser coil. All designed to pass heat in some manner. Size, material, and construction are dependent on use and size.


This is not a question.  Get a job canning beans, robot.

oil field trash2021-01-15T14:13:51Z

An AC condenser operates that fairly high temperatures with a slightly different temperature difference than the evaporator coil  and has a phase change on the Inside of the coil. The evaporator coil  operates at a much lower temperature and has a phase change on both the inside and out side of the coil. 
I don't know why you make the assumptions about what any home owner thinks when their unit is not functioning properly. You have no data or reason to make such assumptions. 

Spock (rhp)2021-01-15T14:03:26Z

they are designed for different air flow patterns ... but the coils are far from the only possible cause for poor cooling

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