Do dog owners hate people who are scared of dogs?


 I see this a lot owning a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.
No I dont hate them i educate them explaining that my dog drives sheep.  He is a sheepdog.. This once led to a schoolteacher asking me could she bring her class to see my dogs at work with my ewes, she came with 24 9 and 10 yr old children so i showed them around the place  and the work that a shepherd normally does then took then up to the flock and explained Shepherding to them .. then they saw them at work and later even the scared kids stroked both lambs sheep and each of my dogs.. when covid is through It will become a regular occurrence... those kids that were formerly scared of my dogs no longer are As if they see me on the street with my dogs they come directly to my dogs and fuss them.  Without fear. After asking me first.


Nah I had two dogs. I just disliked people who looked at pictures of my dogs and decided they didn't like them for their size.
GSD are awesome dogs, bad reputation from law enforcement.


Of course not, why would they.
That`s a bit of a daft question. 
That`s like asking asking Farmers if they hate people who are scared of cows. 🙄🙄

Verulam 12021-01-16T08:38:48Z

No - why would they unless that fear immediately affects the dog owner?


i just think they must have had a bad experience with dogs. You can't convince them your dog is gentle. There is a downs syndrome guy in my block and when he would see one of my dogs (even small ones) he would start carrying on like he was being murdered.

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