What are the HVAC maintenance tips that I should follow during COVID-19?

The world is facing a health crisis these days and there’s no safest place to stay safe at than your home.

That’s why you need to keep your indoor air as clean as possible to combat the virus and prevent its rapid spread.

Proper HVAC maintenance will go a long way towards improving your indoor air and ensuring your family’s well-being.

Listing below some HVAC maintenance tips to ensure your safety and comfort during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Take Care of Your Air Filter
The air filter plays a vital role in the quality of the air you breathe. If it is clogged with too much dirt, then it can’t effectively filter the contaminants that lurk in your home.

Don’t Ignore Your Outdoor Unit
Staying indoors shouldn’t be an excuse to take your outdoor unit for granted. Leaves, shrubs, grasses, and other debris can grow or sit close to your outdoor component.

Invest More in Indoor Air Quality Solutions
Indoor air quality products can contain and kill bacteria and germs that are lodged in your home. Investing in these products can help protect your family from unseen enemies.

Schedule a Routine Duct Cleaning
Before the air reaches your home, it first passes through a duct system. Imagine how dirty your indoor air can become if your duct is filled with too much dirt. So, keep your duct clear of debris through expert duct cleaning and inspection service.
