Nearly 400k deaths isn't that bad considering a population of nearly 400m....right?

Also the fact this has been going on for over a year now


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Considering that we lose 60,000 per year, every year, decade after decade to basic Influenza even with a vaccine that is upgraded for mutations every year or every other year, it is remarkably low. That is the equivalent of six years of flu deaths in one year, (with no vaccine and much higher base lethality).

The scariest aspect of this is how everyone seems to think that a 'vaccine' is a 'cure' and that 'Hug me I'm vaccinated' is a good slogan for seniors to be wearing on their shirts. Good lord. 

COVID-19 is likely to continue to kill AT LEAST 60,000 per year every year from now on, especially given its lethality compared to the common flu virus. No one should be 'hugging' seniors as if they are now fully protected. 

Are Democrats REALLY this dumb?  


Yeah, it's bad to lose your loved ones, needlessly, years before their time... 
People are not numbers, when this could so easily have been prevented. 
Can't undo the past, but we can start right now to make it better. 


Only 3000 died on 9/11...america went nuts


Half of them died because they took hydroxychloroquine


If you exclude those who had unrelated medical conditions or died in car crashes,, the number is way lower. A local talk show host I listen to got Covid and he often asks many people truly died of Covid, not with it.

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