What is the equivalent of "Apple removed 3.5mm jack" of your favorite products ?


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In all irony... my very 1st car was a '91 Subaru... so OLD that it was rear-wheel drive only... 

It didn't even have a cassette deck... just an AM/FM radio so - on a gambit I invested in a CD deck with removable faceplate (which a Samoan kid would eventually steal)...

Later when that car broke down irreparably in 2008, so I "upgraded" to a 2008 Avalon... that had only a cassette deck...

Not knowing how long it would last, starting at 120,000 miles on it... I did not invest in a CD deck although I coveted one so much...

So ironic.

It broke down a few weeks ago and made me sweat trying to get it to start again but eventually it did... 

Ironically... my mom just bought a 2020 Pilot and - it doesn't... and they don't (the cars of this era) have a CD deck - just bluetooth (which I still don't know how to use and have an iPhone that has the battery life of about a '90s Power Wheel if anyone can relate)... so I would say the abandonment of a CD player is just as weird.

Why is it a corporate sin to give options to people who spend thousands on something?

Oh, yeah I get it...

They're playing pop culture against us and literally being the ones telling us when/where we are outdating ourselves - at literally our own expense(s). 


please do not bother me we use English, not the USA.


Why, oh why, did they do this? Guess I can never get an updated Ipad.
The equivalent?....When the manual choke was removed from cars? I guess, I dunno.