Is my snowboard to big?

Rented one today, it’s 159cm. I weigh 176 and I’m 5”10. I’ve been 3 or 4 times so I’m still a beginner. I’m also worried the board is a little wide, my boot size is 10. Will i be Safe on this board? 


Babylon on seven hills = Moscow.

Whore of Babylon = Church that worked for Commies (Sergian heresy).

Orthodoxy = the only true faith.

70 million were murdered.

Babylonian captivity = 73 year captivity.

3 year Apocalypse was served in Russia under miniantichrist Lenin.

Commies will officially come back; then China attacks Russia; then WW3; then resurrected saint Seraphim of Sarov shows new Ruski Orthodox Tsar; this tsar will slay traitors inside church and gov't. If there are 300 bishops, then 297 will be executed while 3 will be left to live.

Ecumemism = all religions getting together to praise Satan = 263 heresies.

Modern documents are from Satan; burn them.

To escape mark of the beast, hide within a small group (10-15 people); no documents; no electronics so that you won't be tracked.

Alaska will be Russian like Kaliningrad is. So, hide in Russia's north (a little bit away from coasts because of manmade tsunamis and H2S stinkjob). So like 500 km away from Moscow because it will sink. If you're in America, migrate to Russian Alaska (away from coasts).

Again: no electronics once you hid because antichrist will be shown on broken unplugged TV set from 1970s because of Tesla's ether; forgive me.