Will KC Win More Superbowls than NE?


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That seems unlikely.  Reid is old, and unlike NE, KC doesn't have the GOAT - by which I mean Giselle Bundchen.  You see, Giselle is a supermodel who earns like five times what Tom Brady earns.  This allowed Brady to be an elite QB who took 'low-end starter' type money for NE, which allowed them to stay good for a loooong time.  Mahomes isn't doing that, so eventually, this team will probably split up as the young stars seek big contracts.

terry v2021-01-29T15:30:15Z

Hard to say because it is so hard to win on a consistant basis with free agency.Injuries can happen to anyone.Just because of these factors I am saying they won't replicate New Englands success.Great team no doubt just to hard to believe that anyone could come close to that success

Blocking Back2021-01-28T01:29:25Z

Probably not.     


I highly doubt it.


Too soon to say, but 2 straight is a good start.

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