Is it time for Republicans to start cleaning their House?

The Georgia voters protected us from the anarchist Loffler, now it is up to McCarthy and Republicans to DUMP GREENE , and show they are interested in being true Americans interested in preserving Democracy !!


Let me see, two Republicans have stood up and been exonerated when charged with sexual harassment or rape yet Biden has yet to address his. Trump stood up to and was cleared of the Democrat created conspiracy showing them as being fools while Biden has yet to stand up and face the misuse of his office. You seem to believe Hypocrisy is ok if your a Democrat. You only "have to believe them" when they are accusing a Republican for the party and the news media protect the Democrats!


And what will the perfect Democrats do?  The Swamp has a Brood of Vipers and many need to be indicted.  Both Republicans and Democrats are in that corrupt Swamp that needs to be drained.  Between Democrats and Republicans the Pot can't call the Kettle dark, because much darkness walks the halls of the Capitol scheming with every breath they take.


That's an irrelevant matter of opinion when one considers how many trumpsters want the dirt/corruption that feeds their authoritarianism. It's like asking righties ... do you want fascism or democracy?

The Truthseeker2021-01-28T02:25:18Z

They do not have the backbone; only 10 in the House do. The rest are now called the party of the Bootlickers.