By what season of The Jeffersons are there excessive fat jokes?

I love the sitcom The Jeffersons.  I used to own all 11 seasons on DVD.  I then donated them.  A couple of years later, I would like to buy some of the early seasons. 

Yet, I think beginning in season 5, there were countless "fat" jokes.  They were usually told by George and aimed at Tom Willis.Anyway, I'm definitely buying season one, 99.9% sure I'll by season 2, and if I remember season 3 correctly, it was not over the top with fat jokes.  Season 4, I'm pretty sure did not have endless fat jokes.  Right?  Yeah, I think I want to purchase the first 4 seasons, because I think season 5 is when the never ending fat jokes began.  (Once they started, they never ended).

Any helpful information on this is greatly appreciated.  Hope you are having a nice day.  Thanks.  God bless

Steve Guy2021-01-28T06:31:45Z

I've never seen the show myself, I guess I'm too young because I can't even remember reruns being on tv for it. I'm sure they are I just probably haven't seen them, I watch reruns of Andy Griffiths show with my dad sometimes tho. Anyway, I tried to google this for you and couldn't get a straight answer, all I could find was that in the eighth season premiere was the third most watched show on television that night. And then over the next 3 years the show steadily went down until it was less then 30th highest watched show and then it ended. So I guess all the fans realized it wasn't that great by that point. Good luck on your DVD purchases, I know with some shows its actually cheaper to buy the full series set because they made more full sets then the individual seasons. But you might be able to find a great deal on ebay or Amazon.