I need recommendations for marshy flowers...?

I have a very large backyard that I want to convert into flower gardens, however whenever it rains, large parts flood.  I could either fight the water runnoff, and risk pushing it toward my house, or I can embrace it.

I choose to embrace it.  I need a few recommendation of showy flowers that will grow in zone 7b in very wet soil conditions (my backyard is a sandy clay loam and I get moderate winds).  I strongly prefer perennials.



Details by request:
The location has partial shade to partial sun.  I have not had a chance to see how quickly the water disappears, as it has been winter so water hangs around a lot longer.  I expect it is closer to "soggy soil after a day of standing water"


Favorite Answer

Willow trees. Red-twig dogwood. Royal fern. Milkweed. Turtlehead.


 You in the American Southwest? 'Cause there's this one flower that looks like a police badge,,,,,,,,,

Karen L2021-01-28T21:34:56Z

It's a little hard to say without knowing more. How much sun does this area get? When it floods, does that mean you end up with a pond, or just very soggy soil? How long does the water stay there? There's a difference between a lot of extra water that's gone the next day and a lot of extra water that stays around for a week or more.

I just googled 'perennials for wet conditions' and found quite a few websites discussing and recommending. I suggest you do the same so you can decide which plants suit your exact conditions.