Why is everybody going off the grid now?
Everyone is leaving facebook and texting and everything it's like they're all dropping off of the face of the earth why?
Everyone is leaving facebook and texting and everything it's like they're all dropping off of the face of the earth why?
Censoring by know it all Liberals like Mentally ill AOC want government to know everything you say and do. Like Famous Communists and Facists before her she is making enemies list. Right now they are conservatives, eventually she will add reasonable liberals that have not drank the Left wing Kool-Ade
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Could have something to do with the Pandemic a lot of people are Depressed
Well, the underlying issue is that laws have not kept pace with new technology. The US government can't take action to block free speech, as that violates the highest law of the land. But here's the problem...
Entities like Google, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, etc...have proven to be much more powerful than our government...WITHOUT any of those pesky "laws" to get in the way of silencing conservative voices.
So essentially, we have corporations run by private citizens, acting as quasi-governmental organizations and making decisions that SOME United States citizens in fact are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment. The major social network platforms are the modern version of "speech", and that speech is not protected.
In fact, modern "speech" is greatly restricted. It's come to the point where if you are supporting the wrong political party or NOT supporting the liberal cause of the moment... you are cancelled.
In spite of the impression you would get from watching liberal media, most (a great majority) of Americans lean toward supporting conservative politics and conservative ideals. But the out-numbered liberals are very powerful because they are very vocal AND HAVE THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJOR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS SOLIDLY BEHIND THEM.
The fact that conservatives are dropping off and/or getting kicked off of social media in droves should really REALLY worry liberals. A person can only take so much crap before they get fed up and decide to do something about it. For now, conservatives are laying low, dodging out of the line of fire, making a tactical retreat. But conservatives are the majority. When conservatives get plssed off enough, they will organize. I wouldn't want to be a Democrat when that day comes. Nor would I want to own stock in any of the liberal-led social media platforms.
Because the big social media companies have developed an overly itchy trigger-finger on the ban button towards people with moderate conservative, Libertarian or Classical Liberal political viewpoints and slagging them off as "extremists" just because they have a slightly colourful way of expressing their views that's no worse than the sort of humour expressed on the South Park or Family Guy cartoons.... and placing questionable "fact checks" on their posts.
At the same time they give the impression they don't give a flying f**k that actual extremists + leaders of some of the world's most brutal regimes are posting on their platform.
They finally realized social media is garbage.