What is facebook jail ?

It is when someone gets so many messages they don't reply to their account gets deactivated for awhile? what is it? 


Facebook Jail is when Facebook Blocks someone from Either Posting or using there Account 

i + i2021-02-01T04:46:35Z

Facebook has a policy of "locking" accounts 
that violate their terms -- hate speech, porn, 
and so forth. "Jail" really just consists of not 
being able to share, post or comment (not 
even do the emojis) on other peoples posts, 
while still being able to browse and see the 
posts of others. Each violation adds how 
long you are in jail... I forget the specific 
increments, but it's something like 24 hours, 
then three days, then a whole week, then a 
month, ... they will even disable accounts 
entirely if the violations are bad enough.