Who is in T-Rump's "Deep State" ? ?

It is beginning to look as if is the leader and originator of a plot that was deep as the Marina Trench .


T-Rump and the Republican Party are the deep state that is progressively destroying Democracy in the United States.  Their actions have and will continue to prove it.


The Deep State is controlled by the Democrats who are progressively destroying Democracy in America.


There is no "deep state". That is just one batshit theory which is very outside of reality. You would need to be delusional to take it as fact, or believe such bollocks.


Health officails are saying that because of bidens failed "biden plan". Up to two million Americans will die of covid19 by the end of the year. biden has no idea what he is doing. 


Who is T-Rump?
BTW, it's the Mariana Trench.
What country pays you to troll and get REPORTED?

The Truthseeker2021-02-02T00:32:25Z

There is no deep state. Just another QAnon nonsense. 

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